Bascom hall uw madison
Bascom hall uw madison

Flags of other states and United States territories, including the District of Columbia and.Flags of other nations recognized by the federal government, including federally recognized tribal nations.In addition to the Flag of the United States, the Flag of the State of Wisconsin, and Flags of the University of Wisconsin, the following flags may be displayed from the flagpoles at Bascom Hall in accordance with this policy and at the direction of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration: The flagpoles at Bascom Hall are not intended to serve as a forum for free expression by the public.

bascom hall uw madison

The Flags of the University of Wisconsin shall be all-weather flags displayed twenty-four hours per day.

  • Unless otherwise specified in this policy, when the Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin are displayed from the rooftop flagpole at Bascom Hall, Flags of the University of Wisconsin shall be displayed from the ground-level flagpoles in front of Bascom Hall.
  • Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin shall be displayed on Memorial Day at half-staff until noon and on such other days as ordered by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of Wisconsin in accordance with the U.S.
  • Only Flags of the United States that are manufactured in the United States may be displayed from Flagpoles at Bascom Hall.
  • The Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is displayed.
  • The Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin may be displayed from the rooftop flagpole at Bascom Hall twenty-four hours a day if the flags are all-weather flags and are illuminated at night.
  • Unless otherwise specified in this policy, the Flag of the United States shall be displayed at full staff from the rooftop flagpole at Bascom Hall from sunrise to sunset, with the Flag of the State of Wisconsin displayed directly beneath it from the same flagpole.
  • bascom hall uw madison

    § 1.14), and standards set forth in this policy.

    bascom hall uw madison bascom hall uw madison

    § 7), state law regarding the display of flags at public buildings ( Wis. Flags displayed from the exterior flagpoles at Bascom Hall shall be in conformance with the position and manner of display in U.S.

    Bascom hall uw madison